5 Best Places to Learn Web Development for FREE

Apr 21, 2020
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5 Best Places to Learn Web Development for FREE - Banner Image

The industry is changing rapidly and choosing the right career can be difficult, but very important. Choosing a career can be different based on the salary, working hours, benefits, and more facilities. In comparison to other fields, web development seems to be one of the most favorable choices.

So, if you are looking to learn web development online, most importantly for FREE, there are more than enough resources out there to teach you everything you need to know.

Below are my 5 best picks for you to learn web development online for free.

1. FreeCodeCamp.org (Free)

FreeCodeCamp Website

FreeCodeCamp.org is probably the best place to start a web development career. What’s cool about FreeCodeCamp is that it puts an emphasis on practice, which allows you to master your web development skills by solving challenges and building projects.

FreeCodeCamp curriculum is divided into 6 parts from Responsive Web Design and JavaScript Algorithms to Front-End libraries and APIs. By completing each section, FreeCodeCamp provides you with a certificate of appreciation, and to receive that certificate, you have to go through some challenges and build real-world projects.

So, if you’re serious about learning by doing, then FreeCodeCamp is for you.

2. Alison (Free)

Alison Website

Alison is another great free online learning platform with courses from Science and Business to Information Technology. Alison divides web development courses into Front-End, Back-End, and Testing. The web development courses include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, NodeJS, Python & Ruby.

All courses are absolutely free, but if you want to receive a certificate by completing a course, you have to pay for it.

3. Mozilla Developer Network - MDN (Free)

MDN Website

MDN is a very helpful resource for learning web development created by an open community that is updated regularly by Mozilla, Apple, Google, & Microsoft.

MDN is huge documentation, and these nice articles contain the code basic knowledge you need to get started.

The topics vary from simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript articles to more in-depth Asynchronous JavaScript, Web APIs, Testing, Django Python Framework, and Express Node.js/JavaScript Framework, documentation, and articles with code examples.

So, if you’re ready to learn the best of web development, then start learning from MDN.

4. Traversy Media YouTube Channel (Free)

Traversy Media YouTube Channel

Brad Traversy is a self-taught software developer. His YouTube channel contains endless courses on modern web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 (Flexbox, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Materialize, Sass), JavaScript, Vue. js, React, Node.js, Express, Laravel, and other popular programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

His great way of teaching brought him more than 1 million subscribers to his YouTube channel.

Aside from YouTube, he also creates complete in-depth courses on different web technologies that you can purchase them on Udemy.

5. W3Schools (Free)

W3Schools Website

If you’re an absolute beginner with no experience in coding and looking to understand the basics of web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, then W3Schools could be very helpful.

Each tutorial is written in a simple language so that even people who are absolutely new to coding can understand the topic.


The web development industry continues to grow exponentially with a lot of improvements in technology, so you won’t find a shortage of resources.

If you’re serious about learning web development, the most important thing to do is to START.

I hope these resources help you to learn more about web development and master your skills for your career.

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